Can you believe a passenger attacked an Uber driver because he asked her to wear a mask? Weigh in on this madness; who was in the wrong?...

PHOTO SOURCE: http://thefederalistpapers.org/us/texas-moves-closer-to-allow-open-carry-liberals-furious .~*:: This night was one I will...

Two Men and a Cougar
Late night at the Gaslamp San Diego, I picked up two guys headed back to their hotel. I don't know why, but people are very open with me...

The Woman Wanted a Ho!
Crazy how we are already three months into 2017. I feel like the earth is rotating faster every year. I am catching up on my posts since...

Do you smell that?
Have you ever been stuck somewhere which forced you to smell something....off? Try being an Uber or Lyft driver and have to smell all...

It was 3am, and you know not much good happens at 3am. I was driving for Uber and I picked up this girl. Her emotions were many. Both...

Happy Memorial Day!
Gone but not forgotten. Solute to our fallen soldiers. I am honored to live in a country where so many are brave, and dedicated to...

The Talking Chucks Gets Real
What's really under the sole? So Uber Pool had just started in San Diego, and everyone was adjusting to it. For those that don't know...

The Fake Gays' Plan
The new lows guys have gone to just to get laid. When I heard this story I was shocked. Some may never have even thought to play this...