Legs In The Air

Party night downtown got crazy. I thought the night was winding down, and it slowly was, but the turn up got too real when I picked up two couples. They were on their way to Eastlake but it was the longest ride ever!!!!!!!! So I arrive at the groups pick up location and a beautiful older lady wearing a dress and stiletto heels gets in my brand new car.She was lit! Breathing all hard. She gets in my car, puts her legs up, the bottom of her shoes on the ceiling of my car making all kinds of dirt marks. She begins to yell at me, (the driver). "Hey, look at my pussy!, look! look! Look at my pussy", I look at her boyfriend, we make eye contact as he got in my car. My raised eyebrows was enough for him to understand. He yells at her to put her legs down. She ignores him while laughing. His girlfriend then started to tap the back of my head with her heels, legs still in the air. By this time I was really annoyed. The trip didn't even start yet, and already I was over it. Her boyfriend still yelling, the girl laughing, another girl trying to get in my car, (lets call her White-Suit, because that's what she was wearing), also laughing at the girl with her legs still in the air, and the husband behind her drunk as well. Four drunk people finally in my car, and the girl with her legs in the air, (lets call her Stilettos) put her legs down. This happen before Uber Pool was introduced to San Diego, and all four passengers were good friends. I could tell because of the familiar interaction between them all. Stilettos and White-Suit were still in party mode. "Turn on some Music!", they yell out loud. The boyfriend of Stilettos in my front passenger seat started touching my stereo system. I hate that, but I let it slide this time. He changed the station and turned up the sound. Everyone started singing along to whatever song it was while bouncing in my back seats. Suddenly I feel fingers on my neck. Stilettos was touching me. I lean forward. The husband of White-Suit in the back seat saw what happen and he yells at her to stop. The boyfriend in the passenger seat asks what happen and his buddy behind him explains. Both guys are mad and begin yelling at Stilettos. "You're such a DIRTY BITCH when you're drunk! That's why I don't take your ass out!" They said. "Honey, stop!" Says White-Suit. Then the couple in the back start arguing. It went from zero to 100 real quick! They are yelling so loud the music sounded faint. White-Suits husband is threading to jump out of my car while inn the freeway. He kept trying to open the door, but he couldn't find the unlock button. Then he started threading to hit his wife. Now I'm really pissed! Stiletto's boyfriend in the from seat keeps trying to calm them down but they are in full crazy mode. Stilettos keeps trying to touch my neck and her boyfriend kept trying to check her! All of this is happening and we are only 15 minutes in. It kept going on and on and on. I finally get them to their destination, and White-Suits husband ttys to kick my door open. THAT'S WHEN I SPOKE UP. "DON'T KICK MY FUCKIN' DOOR!!!". He immediately apologized. I was over that fool. He was arguing with White-Suit the whole time. He tried to jump out of my window. Tried to open my back passenger car door. Threatened to hit his wife repeatedly. The story continues when White-Suit asks me to wait because she wants me to take her and her husband home. I thought, Oh God, here we go! Stilettos and her boyfriend were already out of my car and headed into their house. White-Suit positioned herself in my back seat while yelling at her husband to get in the car. Her voice echoed because of the quiet suburban neighborhood. I though for sure the police would show up. "I'm no getting in the car with you BITCH!, FUCK YOU! I'm walking home. You go, go home, take the Uber!", the husband said."Get in the car!", says White-Suit. After ten minuets of this going on, and the trip still on since leaving the Gaslamp downtown, I just wanted to get this over with. The husband comes to my car, gives me $20, and tells me, "Here just take her home, I don't want to be in the car with this Bitch!", although I wasn't happy with him at all, I took the money and dropped off his wife. It took another 15 minutes driving though the spaced out suburban Eastlake roads to get to Imperial Beach where White-Suit lived. I asked White-Suit if she was ok, she assured me she was fine, and her husband gets like that when he's drunk. All I could do was say ok, and have a good night. What would you have done in that whole situation as a driver? Comment below. Sharing is Caring.