Private Dancer

There are always those times when you really don't feel like doing anything, or putting up with anyone's "isms". (attitudes or weird personalities). This particular night, I felt that way, but I pushed myself to keep driving. Low and behold a crazy story dropped in my lap. I get a call from Maria. She wanted me to pick her up from Riches night club. For those that don't know, Riches is a gay club. I thought nothing of it and headed to pick her up. After calling her, and Maria confirming, my front passenger door opens. It's a man. I said, "I know you're not Maria". His 90's rocker style isn't the only thing that gave it away. He leans in my car, Mohak first, his eye's wide open and says, "oohh, you're cute!". Crazy was in his eyes. "I'm here to pick up Maria man", I said. "Oh she's on her way, I'm with her", he says. Maria finally arrives and gets in my car, and a feeling of relief comes over me. On the other hand I'm a little taken back from the added two passengers. "We're making two stops if you don't mind", says Maria. It was no bother to me. More stops, more money! So crazy dude is in my front seat, while Maria and her brother were in my back seats. Come to find out, Maria's brother is married to the Crazy dude in my front seat. The conversation was weird. He looked like he was on something. He couldn't sit still, and he was very jittery. He looks at my business cards and sparks up conversation: Rider: Is this your card? Driver: Yes Rider: Arts and Entertainment Specialist, oh what does that mean? Driver: I do a lot in the Arts and Entertainment Industry. Everything from dance, and show production, to Graphic Design and branding. Rider: Oh, you dance!.....Now when you say dance, do you mean... Driver: -No, I'm not a stripper. Rider: How did you know I was going to ask that? Driver: You are not the first, second, or third to ask me. The rider starts to touch my neck. Driver: Ay! Don't touch me. Rider: Sorry, you're just so cute. Driver: That doesn't mean you have to touch me. Rider: Can I ask you a question? Driver: What? Rider: Since you dance, how would you feel about coming up to me and my husbands room to give us a private show? We have money, we're not rich, but we have money. Just name your price. Driver: No, I'm good. Rider: Yeah I bet. Just name your price. Driver: No, I'll pass. I good with what I'm doing. I'm a professional. Rider; That's too bad. You just missed out on a great opportunity. I asked a few people what they would do in my situation. Now I am asking you; what would you do? How would you react to a jittery man, and his drunk husband's request for "Live Entertainment" in their hotel room? Do you have a price. Comment below. Interested in sharing your story? Send your Uber or Lyft Driver, or Rider experience to Don't forget to Subscribe.